STEP 1: Identify the problem and where the problem is located.
Your line may just need to be snaked, but if it is more than that, you'll need to get a camera inspection to identify the exact problem and where the problem is located in your sewer, and you'll also need to get a lateral locate to know where your sewer line is located in your yard.
A snake or camera line can only reach so far. If your problem is beyond the ability of the snake or camera line to reach, you'll most likely need a clean-out installed. This clean-out allows for a new point of access to your sewer line.
Modern code requires clean-outs at certain distances along your sewer line, but way back in the day these codes did not exist - which is why the camera may have had to go down through your toilet.
STEP 9: Doing the work.
Upon receiving the permit(s) from CEG and/or the City of Indianapolis, we can usually complete a project within one to two weeks, however, this is very weather dependent and we cannot dig in heavy rain due to cave-ins and we cannot dig if the ground is frozen. Therefore, if the weather does not cooperate, your project will have to be pushed back until the weather allows the work to be performed.
We will send you an email just a day or two in advance of when we plan to start your project. We cannot give more notice than this, because we have the weather, jobs that are on the schedule ahead of yours, and CEG permitting and inspection scheduling to work around. If we gave you more than one or two days notice, we would most likely be rescheduling with you several times for the previously mentioned variables that are out of our control.
We do our absolute best to complete jobs in as timely of a manner as possible once we receive your signed estimate and down payment
FAQ: How long will the job take?
Answer: Work varies for many reasons, such as the length and depth, incorrect locates, physical terrain obstacles such as trees, fences, sidewalks, driveways, etc., so it isn't possible to give an exact length of time for a repair, however, we are typically on jobs for 2 to 3 days.
FAQ: Can I use my water facilities while you are here working?
Answer: If someone will be home during the day, they need to avoid using the water facilities from 8am until 3pm on the day of excavation, which is typically just the first day.
This is essential worker Jon.
Jon is the owner of Broad Ripple Sewer and Water.
If we are working at your property, you'll get to meet Jon, as he is on all Broad Ripple Sewer and Water jobs.
Jon has been fixing sewer lines for so long, he's seen just about every problem you could think of. But one thing is for sure, if you have an issue that he hasn't come across before, you can be certain that it will keep him up at night until he has it figured out.
STEP 8: We'll take it from here.
When we receive your signed and completed estimate and down payment, we will begin the permit application(s) for your project.
There are several different types of permits (sewer lateral repair permits, Right-of-Way permits, water tap permits, disconnection permits, new connection permits, etc.) and each project requires different permits.
Permits are obtained through Citizens Energy Group (CEG) and the City of Indianapolis. It takes between a few days and a few weeks for permits to be approved and provided to us, and neither permit approvals nor inspections will take place on weekends or holidays, so this limits us to non-holiday M-F. This timeframe is out of our control and is completely dependent on CEG.
FAQ: Will you start the permit application now and I'll get you the signed estimate and down payment next week?
Answer: No. We will not begin the permit process until we have received the signed and completed estimate and the down payment.
STEP 5: We will review all of your information.
Once we receive your information, Jon will review it and will need to visit the property to see the physical terrain that he will be working with and around and do some measurements. Many variables, including trees, sidewalks, driveways, and fences, not to mention the length and depth of the repair, will have to be taken into account for the estimate.
If the location of the lateral has not already been marked, Jon may need inside of the house to see where the lateral exits. If the house is occupied, he will contact you to gain entry.
During our busy season (January through December), it will usually take about a week for Jon to review your information, visit your property, and for us to provide you with a written estimate.
If this is an emergency situation, where you have someone living in the house and they cannot use their facilities, please let us know this situation and we will do our best to move you to the top of our project list on an emergency basis.
FAQ: Can you give me a quote over the phone or an approximation?
Answer: No. As explained above, there are too many variables that need to be taken into account to be able to give informal estimates or approximations without reviewing the information and visiting the property.
STEP 6: We will email you your estimate.
Once Jon has been able to compile all of the information that he needs for your estimate, we will email you your estimate to the email address that you provided when you contacted us.
Our estimates are valid for 14 days.
STEP 3: If the issue has been determined to be on your property or Citizens Energy Group has told you it is your responsibility . . .
Are you within our area of licensing and bonding?
We are currently servicing the area inside the red border line.
Need Snaking or a Camera Inspection? We recommend "R & S Sewer Cleaning Inc."
In order to give an estimate to fix an issue with your sewer, we need the video showing the issue in the lateral
and we also need to know where your lateral is located in your yard.
Knowing where your sewer line runs from your house to the street is called a "lateral locate."
For lateral locates contact:
STEP 4: Provide us with all of your information.
We will need the video link and a written report describing the issue.
You can provide us with all of this information in one of two ways:
If you want an estimate, contact us.
If the issue has been determined to be inside your house . . .
Broad Ripple Sewer and Water is licensed and bonded with Citizens Energy Group, the City of Indianapolis, the City of Beech Grove, and the City of Lawrence to do work from the house to the street.
For any issues inside the house, you will need a licensed and bonded plumber.
STEP 7: If you would like to proceed with us doing your project:
Upon receiving our estimate, if you would like to proceed with us doing your project, we will need two items from you within 14 days of the date on the estimate:
STEP 10: Invoicing
We will email you your final invoice within a few days of completing your repairs.
STEP 2: Is the issue on your property or beyond your property line?
If the issue has been determined to be beyond your property line, you will first have to contact Citizens Energy Group about them fixing it. We can help navigate that for you if needed.
According to Citizens Energy Group:
"to report a problem with the wastewater collection system,
please contact Customer Service at (317) 924-3311."